Latent Defects
We do not analyse, dismantle or remove any part or component or mechanism from the vehicle when carrying out the Inspection and therefore We do not accept liability for defects which arise in any part of the vehicle which is not included in the Inspection, or not reasonably apparent or capable of identification at the time of Inspection, nor for latent defects which are later discovered, nor for defects which arise after the Inspection if they were not reasonably detectable at the time the Inspection was carried out. A lack of defect in any part of the vehicle at the time of the Inspection does not constitute a warranty or guarantee of durability in any part of the vehicle, nor is it a guarantee against defects arising in the future. We cannot accept liability for defects not reasonably apparent in vehicles which are over 10 years old or have been subject to abnormal use which is not apparent during Our Inspection and is not drawn to Our attention. You accept that such vehicles are more prone than usual to latent defects.
Oil Sample
Engine wear patterns can only be accurately ascertained using regular monitoring over time. An engine’s use, age and maintenance may also affect the sample readings. The sample of oil evaluated can only be assessed in isolation and advice will be specific on the current condition of the oil tested.
Brake Fluid
The Inspection does not include a brake fluid change, and therefore is not a substitute for regular maintenance. The brake fluid check will provide information about the moisture absorption which can affect fluid properties, but will not confirm the grade of fluid or other potential contamination.
As part of the test we will read and report any fault codes identified, but We will not be liable for any fault codes that appear after our assessment. A check of ECU diagnostic system may not reveal ALL fault codes previously cleared prior to the vehicle inspection and these may not be recorded on the Report.
We will include up to 6 photos of the vehicle which includes, 4 external shots of the vehicle, 1 shot of the vehicle documents and 1 shot of the odometer.
An Inspection can only be provided during daylight hours in good weather conditions. Poor weather conditions or visibility may mean the Inspection is restricted. The quality of image of any photos may be limited by inspection conditions or the environment. Images will only be captured where this adds value to the Report and shall be at the discretion of the Inspector. Due to the visual nature of Our Inspection, it may not be possible to carry out all checks in all cases. Items which are not reasonably accessible will not be inspected. In such circumstances We will be under no obligation to inspect and/or report on the part/item in question and will mark the relevant section of the Report accordingly. In the event that We are unable to carry out any element of the Inspection due to circumstances beyond Our reasonable control or because You have not carried out your obligations above, We will not refund any part of the Inspection fee. Provided that where We have been unable to carry out the entire Inspection and We reasonably consider, at Our sole discretion, that this was due to no fault on your part, We may offer to carry out the Inspection on an alternative date at no additional cost. Some vehicles are built in a way which restricts Our Inspectors from undertaking an oil analysis test. If We are unable to provide this service on the day of the Inspection, for reasons that are not Your fault, we will provide You with a refund for the oil sample element of the Inspection.
Specific Exclusions